QEMU internals

A series of posts about QEMU internals:

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A deep dive into QEMU: adding devices

In this post, we will see how to create a simple new device. Other posts will be dedicated to more complex devices such as PCI and interrupt controllers.

The QEMU device tree (abbreviated)

The QEMU monitor offers you different commands to inspect devices for a running instance:

$ qemu-system-ppc -M 40p -s -S -monitor stdio
QEMU 4.2.0 monitor - type 'help' for more information

(qemu) info qom-tree
/machine (40p-machine)
  /unattached (container)
    /device[15] (pc87312)
      /pc87312[0] (qemu:memory-region)
    /device[0] (604-powerpc-cpu)
    /io[0] (qemu:memory-region)
    /sysbus (System)
    /device[10] (i8257)
      /dma-page[1] (qemu:memory-region)
    /vga.mmio[0] (qemu:memory-region)
    /device[25] (pcnet)
      /pcnet-mmio[0] (qemu:memory-region)
      /pcnet.rom[0] (qemu:memory-region)
    /device[6] (isa-pit)
      /pit[0] (qemu:memory-region)
      /unnamed-gpio-in[0] (irq)
    /device[5] (isa-i8259)
      /unnamed-gpio-in[5] (irq)
      /unnamed-gpio-in[0] (irq)
      /pic[0] (qemu:memory-region)
  /raven (raven-pcihost)
    /pci-conf-idx[0] (qemu:memory-region)
    /pci-conf-data[0] (qemu:memory-region)
    /pci.0 (PCI)
    /unnamed-gpio-in[0] (irq)
    /pci-memory[0] (qemu:memory-region)

A lot of things there. From the machine itself, to the CPU objects, DMA engine, PCI controller, PCI bus, system bus, network (pcnet), timer (pit) and interrupt controllers (pic).

All of them are QEMU Objects. You can also use the info qtree command to have a more detailled view.

QEMU Monitor commands

Notice that the monitor commands are implemented through the QMP API and are referenced as hmp commands in the QEMU source code. The commands subset is specific to a target. When building a PowerPC QEMU, have a look at ppc-softmmu/hmp-commands-info.h. All the available commands are located at hmp-commands-info.hx

They look like the following:

.name       = "mtree",
.args_type  = "flatview:-f,dispatch_tree:-d,owner:-o",
.params     = "[-f][-d][-o]",
.help       = "show memory tree (-f: dump flat view for address spaces;"
"-d: dump dispatch tree, valid with -f only);"
"-o: dump region owners/parents",
.cmd        = hmp_info_mtree,

Where hmp_info_mtree() is the handler.

A device is a QObject

As for the machine, we need to create the right TypeInfo, DeviceClass and DeviceState init functions.

Let’s implement the minimum code for the CPIOM EDC device. We don’t care about its internals, we just need to know that :

static void cpiom_edc_init(Object *obj)
    cpiom_edc_state_t *s = CPIOM_EDC(obj);
    SysBusDevice      *d = SYS_BUS_DEVICE(obj);

    memory_region_init_io(&s->reg1, obj, &edc_reg1_ops, s,
                          CPIOM_EDC_NAME"-reg1", CPIOM_MMAP_EDC_REG_SIZE);
    memory_region_init_io(&s->reg2, obj, &edc_reg2_ops, s,
                          CPIOM_EDC_NAME"-reg2", 6*4);
    memory_region_init_io(&s->err, obj, &edc_err_ops, s,
                          CPIOM_EDC_NAME"-err", CPIOM_MMAP_PPCERR_SIZE);

    sysbus_init_mmio(d, &s->reg1);
    memory_region_add_subregion(get_system_memory(), CPIOM_MMAP_PPCERR, &s->err);

    sysbus_init_irq(d, &s->irq);

static void cpiom_edc_class_init(ObjectClass *klass, void *data)
    DeviceClass *dc = DEVICE_CLASS(klass);
    dc->desc = CPIOM_EDC_NAME;

static const TypeInfo cpiom_edc_info = {
    .name = CPIOM_EDC_NAME,
    .parent = TYPE_SYS_BUS_DEVICE,
    .instance_size = sizeof(cpiom_edc_state_t),
    .instance_init = cpiom_edc_init,
    .class_init = cpiom_edc_class_init,

static void cpiom_edc_register_types(void)


Look familiar now. To be QOM compliant, we need a header file for our device that may have the following content:

#define CPIOM_MMAP_EDC_REG        0x20001000
#define CPIOM_MMAP_EDC_REG_SIZE   0x1000

#define CPIOM_MMAP_PPCERR         0x20002000
#define CPIOM_MMAP_PPCERR_SIZE    0x2000

#define CPIOM_EDC_NAME  "cpiom-edc"
#define CPIOM_EDC(obj)  OBJECT_CHECK(cpiom_edc_state_t,(obj),CPIOM_EDC_NAME)

typedef struct cpiom_edc_state
    /*< private >*/
    SysBusDevice     parent_obj;

    /*< public >*/
    MemoryRegion     reg1, reg2, err;
    qemu_irq         irq;

} cpiom_edc_state_t;

Everything here is essentialy device init boilerplate. Give name, specific type, memory addresses ranges …

No need to explain again that you should implement the associated MemoryRegionOps for each IO memory region.

One important thing is that our EDC device is a SysBusDevice thanks to its TypeInfo (.parent = TYPE_SYS_BUS_DEVICE). We will be able to take benefit of the SysBus API.

Instantiating our device

Back to the machine initialization code:

cpiom_t* cpiom_init_mcs(MachineState *mcs)

static void cpiom_init_dev(cpiom_t *cpiom)

static void create_edc(cpiom_t *cpiom)
    cpiom->edc = sysbus_create_varargs(
        "cpiom-edc", CPIOM_MMAP_EDC_REG,
        qdev_get_gpio_in_named(cpiom->intc, "ITN", INT_N_IT_EDC_ERR),

    cpiom_edc_state_t *s = CPIOM_EDC(cpiom->edc);
    memory_region_add_subregion(cpiom->config, 0xc, &s->reg2);

We have a specific EDC device init function that does complex things. In short, it will :

The last memory region reg2 is attached as a subregion to the CPIOM board cpiom->config memory region. This is a CPIOM specific area where several device configuration registers are located. Some of our EDC device registers are thus mapped at offset 0xc into this region. The config region itself is an IO memory subregion of the system memory. You can segment and overlap already existing memory regions with new subregions.

Creating system bus devices

From the very low level, device creation is done through qdev_create() and qdev_init_nofail(). See the documentation at qdev-core.h. They essentialy find the correct device TypeInfo and instantiate the DeviceClass accordingly, leading to the execution of our cpiom_edc_class_init/cpiom_edc_init functions.

Thesysbus_create_varargs function is a wrapper around the qdev_xxx() functions plus automatic IO mappings and IRQ registration:

DeviceState *sysbus_create_varargs(const char *name, hwaddr addr, ...)
    DeviceState *dev;
    SysBusDevice *s;
    va_list va;
    qemu_irq irq;
    int n;

    dev = qdev_create(NULL, name);
    s = SYS_BUS_DEVICE(dev);
    if (addr != (hwaddr)-1) {
        sysbus_mmio_map(s, 0, addr);
    va_start(va, addr);
    n = 0;
    while (1) {
        irq = va_arg(va, qemu_irq);
        if (!irq) {
        sysbus_connect_irq(s, n, irq);
    return dev;

Mapping device IO memory region

The addr argument of sysbus_create_varargs is the IO memory region address CPIOM_MMAP_EDC_REG allocated in cpiom_edc_init. Remember we didn’t directly attached it as a subregion to the system memory region, but rather did:

static void cpiom_edc_init(Object *obj)
    memory_region_init_io(&s->reg1, obj, &edc_reg1_ops, ...);
    sysbus_init_mmio(d, &s->reg1);

Every SysBusDevice object has an internal mmio array of QDEV_MAX_MMIO entries. The sysbus_init_mmio() function will install such an entry. And then sysbus_create_varargs function will call sysbus_mmio_map() which will internally register the given memory region as a subregion of system memory.

Connecting IRQ lines

The remaining arguments of the function are variable length, NULL terminated, qemu_irq. We will learn more about IRQ in the post on interrupt controller. Just assume for now that a qemu_irq is a GPIO whose out part is connected to the in part of another GPIO.

And this is exactly the case for our EDC device. First during EDC device init:

static void cpiom_edc_init(Object *obj)
    sysbus_init_irq(d, &s->irq);

The sysbus_init_irq() function will register the out part of our EDC irq object. Next, during EDC device creation (create_edc()) the argument given to sysbus_create_varargs is:

qdev_get_gpio_in_named(cpiom->intc, "ITN", INT_N_IT_EDC_ERR)

Which in short is the in part of the qemu_irq number INT_N_IT_EDC_ERR that belongs to the cpiom->intc device, which happens to be an interrupt controller (a special device with a lot of irq lines as you may guess).

The sysbus_create_varargs function will sysbus_connect_irq() this irq with our EDC device qemu_irq out part. The GPIO connection code looks like :

qdev_connect_gpio_out_named( DEVICE(dev),
                             qdev_get_gpio_in_named(cpiom->intc, "ITN", INT_N_IT_EDC_ERR)

Logically, when our device wants to raise an IRQ, it will qemu_set_irq(irq,1) its own qemu_irq object so that the connected qemu_irq will receive the signal.

Building the device

Do not forget to fix /hw/cpiom/Makefile.objs to add our device object file edc.o to be built.